Code of Conduct

Columbia International College (CIC) strives to provide a safe, caring and orderly environment which fosters the foundations of teaching, learning and living a healthy lifestyle. The code of conduct sets out clear standards and expectations for the students of CIC both academically and personally (the “Code of Conduct”). Each student has the obligation to abide by the rules and provisions outlined herein.  The Code of Conduct is intended to promote respect, responsibility, integrity, inclusiveness for all and to provide students with a strong framework to achieve academic and behavioral success.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Academic Policy

Chapter 3: Attendance Policies

Chapter 4: Respect and Behavior

Chapter 5: Uniform and Dress Code

Chapter 6: Technology Policy

Chapter 7: Facilities Policy

Chapter 8: Safety and Violence Policy

Chapter 9: Substance Abuse Policy

Chapter 10: Entitlement to Search and Access Policy

Chapter 11: Visitor Policy

Chapter 12: Student Development Policy

Chapter 13: Total Care Plus

Chapter 14: Disability and Student Wellness Policy

Chapter 15: Moral Character Policy

Chapter 16: Discipline Policy

Appendix A

Appendix B