Code of Conduct
Students and parents/guardians acknowledge that they have reviewed, understand and agree to be bound by the terms of this Code of Conduct.
1. Our Mission
Deliver peace of mind for parents & foster student success.
2. Code of Conduct Purpose Statement
CIC strives to provide a safe, caring and orderly environment which fosters the foundations of teaching, learning and living a healthy lifestyle. The code of conduct sets out clear standards and expectations for the students of CIC both academically and personally (the “Code of Conduct”). The Code of Conduct is intended to promote respect, responsibility, integrity, inclusiveness for all and to provide students with a strong framework to achieve academic and behavioural success.
Each student has the obligation to abide by the rules and provisions outlined herein. CIC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to take all necessary disciplinary action against any student whose conduct is in contravention of this Code of Conduct. For clarity, disciplinary measures taken against any student found in violation of this Code of Conduct shall not be uniform. CIC reserves the right to take into account several considerations prior to determining any disciplinary measure including but not limited to the severity of the infraction; the student’s discipline history; age of the student; the frequency of breaches of the Code of Conduct; and any aggravating or mitigating factors.
At all times, the Principal, following the procedures of this Code of Conduct has the authority and responsibility to determine consequences and support for students.
3. Scope
The Code of Conduct applies to all students enrolled at CIC or who have been granted admission to attend CIC classes and/or reside in our residence. Each student must adhere to this Code of Conduct and agree to be bound by its provisions The Code of Conduct applies to the student whether or not he or she is on CIC premises and may include but is not limited to such times when a student is at a CIC organized event or activity including school trips, sporting events, community service events; transportation to/from CIC related activities, or any other time when a student may be representing CIC, in any capacity.
1. Assessment of Learning Policy
Statement of Intent
CIC is committed to ensuring that all students meet and exceed all scholastic requirements. Specifically, CIC requires students to be present, ready, willing, and able to write all assessments of learning, scheduled tests, and exams prepared and administered by CIC faculty.
Students at CIC must complete all assessments of learning including writing all tests and exams at such times designated by CIC faculty. It is a student’s responsibility to be aware of any changed dates or times for any test and exam. Any student who is absent from any test or examination will be assigned a grade of zero unless there is a valid reason for the absence, as determined by the student’s teacher in consultation with the department head.
Notwithstanding an emergency or excusable intervening event, as determined by CIC at its sole discretion, a student must immediately advise CIC of his or her absence by using the appropriate protocol as set out in the Course Calendar, of his or her absence. If the absence was on account of reasonable grounds, the student shall provide CIC’s Academic Office with satisfactory evidence supporting the absence. Satisfactory evidence such as a medical certificate must be provided to CIC’s Academic Office within a reasonable time period thereafter.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
If a student is absent from a test or exam, without providing satisfactory evidence to justify the absence, the student’s teacher in consultation with the department head, may determine if the student is entitled to write a make-up version of the test or exam, at a future date, subject to any deductions determined at the sole discretion of the student’s teacher. The student can appeal to the department head in the event they are unhappy with the teacher’s decision. In the event that a student misses two (2) tests or exams in a semester (whether such absences have been excused by the department head or not), the student may be required to meet with the Principal or Vice Principal.
No opportunity will be provided to a student to make-up final assessments including Course Culminating Activities and exams unless the student can provide evidence of hospitalization or such other evidence to prove the occurrence of an exceptional intervening event sufficient to excuse the student from participating in final assessments. The determination of any exceptional intervening event shall be at the sole discretion of the Principal or Vice Principal. In such circumstances when a student has been excused from a final assessment, the student may be required to write a make-up assessment at such time as determined by CIC.
Parents/guardians will be advised of any student who is acting in contravention of this Academic Assessment Absenteeism Policy.
Any student in breach of the foregoing may be directed to the Principal or Vice Principal who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
2. Academic Assignment Policy
Statement of Intent
All academic assignments are dedicated to developing a student’s intellectual, social, creative, and academic skills. It is necessary that all students actively engage with and complete assigned projects provided by CIC faculty and submit only originally-produced materials, as required.
Students at CIC must submit all academic assignments on the prescribed due date as established by the student’s teacher. The teacher has the discretion to make alternate arrangements with the student but is under no obligation to do so, save and accept the provision of sufficient reasons for the student’s noncompliance. Based on CIC’s Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting policy, teachers are permitted to make any alternative arrangements including but not limited to the following:
Helping students develop better time-management skills;
Maintaining ongoing communication with students and/or stakeholders about due dates and late assignments, and scheduling conferences with stakeholders if the problem persists;
Setting up a student contract;
Using counselling or peer tutoring to try to deal positively with problems;
Holding teacher-student conferences;
Reviewing the need for extra support for English language learners;
Understanding and taking into account the cultures, histories, and contexts of students and parents and their previous experiences with the school system;
Providing alternative assignments or tests/exams where, in the teacher’s professional judgement, is reasonable and appropriate to do so;
Planning for major assignments to be completed in stages, so that students are less likely to be faced with an all-or-nothing situation at the last minute.
The Principal or Designate has the discretion to authorize any of the above accommodations.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Mark Deductions for late assignments is 2% per day to a maximum of 20%. Hard Copies - during class, Soft Copies - end of day (11:59 PM EST), Last Day for late Submissions is the last day of classes before an exam period.
Assigning a Zero/No Mark
Assigning Zeros:
Zeros indicate that there is no evidence of learning. A zero can act as placeholders or a grade depending on the circumstance. Marks of zeros should be used as the initial entry of grades.
Zero as a Placeholder:
Teachers are communicating to students and stakeholders that the student has not yet demonstrated learning and that there is an obligation of the student to demonstrate that knowledge.
Zero as a Grade:
Zeros must be in place for reporting periods. If the student submits work after the reporting period, then the teacher will replace the zero with the achieved mark. If no evidence of learning is submitted, then the zero will remain.
Possible Reasoning for Entering a Mark of Zero
Unauthorized Absence
Not Submitted
Earned 0
Academic Dishonesty
Not Submitted with Approved Extension
Reasons for Entering NM (No Mark):
A mark of zero may be replaced with an entry of NM when a teacher, in consultation with the department head or at the direction of the Circle of Care Committee (CoCC) leadership, determines that a zero would result in a misrepresentation of the student’s overall achievement at a reporting period. An entry of NM may also be used when a teacher determines that there is no obligation of the student to demonstrate evidence for a particular evaluation.
3. Academic Integrity Policy
Statement of Intent
CIC is committed to ensuring academic integrity in all school activities and aims to instill in its students the highest standards of academic behaviour.
At all times CIC students are expected to submit original work, whether working individually or in collaboration with other students as part of a group assignment or activity.
Guided by the Character Keys for Success at Columbia International College (CIC), we are committed to ensuring academic honesty in all school activities and aim to instill in our students the highest standards of academic behaviour and integrity. CIC students are expected to submit original work, whether working individually or in collaboration with other students. CIC achieves this by following the expectations outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Education through our Code of Conduct.
Rationale for Academic Integrity
Citing reliable information gives credibility to your work.
Not citing your sources means you are stealing the ideas of others.
Cheating is unethical.
There are consequences to academic dishonesty and plagiarism which will impact your academic progress and violations will be tracked.
For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:
Academic Dishonesty - Submitting or presenting the words, ideas, images, sounds, graphs, etc., of others as your own (even if you paraphrase it) without giving the original author credit. This includes submitting your own work to a teacher that has already been submitted and marked by a different teacher in another class.
Intentional | Unintentional |
Plagiarism - involves the submitting or presenting work that is either in whole or in part the ideas, language, or other intellectual property of another person, without acknowledging the source. Plagiarism applies to all assignments, projects, submissions, tests, exams or otherwise.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student suspected of committing Academic Dishonesty will immediately be assigned a grade of zero, until such time that a student is able to demonstrate that the work is his or her own, if authorized.
Consequences include, but are not limited to, the following:
Written warnings
Resubmission of assignment or retaking an alternate test
Deduction of marks
A mark of zero (0%)
Consequences in accordance with Article 15 of CIC Code of Conduct
4. Academic Conditions for Good Standing
CIC reserves the right to place any student on the Academic Conditions if the student (i) fails all academic courses enrolled in a given semester; or (ii) fails the same level of English as a Second Language (“ESL”) two times; or (iii) demonstrates consistent difficulty with Courses. The Principal or party so designated by CIC, at his or her sole discretion will provide the student and his or her parent/guardians notice of the Academic Review, which will also outline the conditions of the Academic Review.
A student on Academic Conditions will be reviewed by the Principal or Designate at the end of a semester and a decision will be made on next steps:
continue on Academic Conditions for the next semester.
continue with no Academic Conditions.
5. Courses Taken Outside of Columbia
Students at Columbia International College must receive prior written permission from the Principal to take Ontario courses at another school.
A $500 CAD administrative fee will be charged to process each credit. Permission may be given only if that course is not offered by Columbia International College.
1. Attendance Requirement and Expectations
Statement of Intent
In order for students to achieve personal and academic success, CIC is committed to ensuring that all students meet and exceed all scholastic requirements, which requires students to be present, ready, willing, and able to actively participate and engage in his or her curriculum, as set out by CIC. Attendance is compulsory for all classes, field trips and all course-related activities.
1. Policy
All students are required to:
Attend all classes punctually. In the event that a student has cause to arrive late for a scheduled class, the student shall enter the class quietly and respectfully without disturbing other students and provide the teacher with a reason for his or her tardiness, shortly thereafter;
Actively participate in class and engage with the course material, teacher and peers as required;
Complete all assigned work and academic assignments in a diligent manner and in compliance with the Academic Assignment Policy set out herein;
Students will take responsibility for their own time management and study habits;
Students have an affirmative duty to meet with all of his or her teachers immediately upon the student’s return to classes, to ensure that the student is up to date with the latest course materials and not in violation of the Academic Policies, set out herein.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Continuous extended absences from school for a period of ten (10) or more days or over twenty-five (25) class periods without documentation acceptable to the Principal or Designate may result in termination of student status from CIC with notification provided to the appropriate government agency, which may be detrimental to the student’s study permit.
Any student found in breach of this provision may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the disciplinary measures as set out in Article 15 herein.
Students who accumulate 25 absent periods may be required to attend an expulsion hearing.
2. Policy
Students are encouraged to arrange medical or dental appointments at such times when a student is not scheduled to be in class or at some other course-related activity.
Students shall not schedule any non-medical, non-emergency appointments (e.g. banking, hairstyling) at such times when a student is scheduled to be in class or at some other course-related activity.
Parents/Guardians are not permitted to authorize student absences.
The following constitutes the only Authorized Absences recognized by CIC:
an illness documented by a certificate or note from a physician (medical staff), school nurse, final decision to authorize an absence rests with Principal or Vice Principal;
documentation or evidence that the student attended a medical or dental appointment, final decision to authorize an absence rests with Principal or Vice Principal;
documentation or evidence that the student attended to a visa/passport related issue at his or her respective embassy or consulate, final decision to authorize an absence rests with Principal or Vice Principal;
documentation or evidence of an appointment, such as an interview, audition or placement test required as part of the application with a university or college admissions office, final decision to authorize an absence rests with Principal or Vice Principal;
documentation or evidence of attending an English language proficiency test (e.g. CAEL, IELTS, MELAB, TOEFL, Duolingo), final decision to authorize an absence rests with Principal or Vice Principal;
to attend to any personal matter, which CIC in its sole discretion would consider reasonable, final decision to authorize an absence rests with the Principal or Vice Principal.
All other absences are considered unauthorized absences.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student found in breach of this provision may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the disciplinary measures as set out in Article 15 herein.
3. Policy
Any student residing at CIC residence/homestay, with an Authorized Absence due to an illness shall, barring any reasonable circumstances, remain in residence/homestay.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
If the student is found to have left residence/homestay for any reason other than to attend medical appointments, acquire medical supplies etc., or other reasonable grounds, the authorization for the absence may be revoked and the student may be directed to the Principal or Designate for the appropriate consequence, which may include the disciplinary measures as set out in Article 15 herein.
4. Policy
Students are required to attend all classes punctually. In the event that a student has cause to arrive late for a scheduled class, the student shall enter the class quietly and respectfully without disturbing other students and provide the teacher with a reason for his or her tardiness, shortly thereafter. Students will be marked “tardy” if they are more than 20 minutes late for a scheduled class and considered absent for attendance purposes.
Students are required to attend period 1 no later than the commencement time of 8:30 a.m. (EST) during Fall/Winter semester or at such time as designated by the Principal. Students are required to attend JMS period 1 by no later than the commencement time of 8:30 a.m. (EST), or at such times designated by the Principal. Students are required to attend Summer School period 1 by no later than the commencement time of 8:30a.m., (EST) or at such times designated by the Principal.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student arriving late to class, may accumulate time towards a student’s absences for a semester and may be directed to the Principal or Designate for the appropriate consequence, which may include the disciplinary measures as set out in Article 15 herein.
5. Policy
Students have a duty to notify the Principal as well as their Admissions/Liaison officers, for any extended, consecutive absences, which are not related to any medical reason or school activity. The Principal, in his or her sole discretion, has the authority to permit such consecutive absences and consent may be withheld. As a condition for permitting the consecutive absences, the Principal may require the student to meet with all of his or her teachers, to create a plan to ensure that the student is up to date with the course material, assignments and tests upon the student’s return.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student failing to obtain consent for any extended, consecutive absences, may be directed to the Principal or Designate for the appropriate consequence, which may include the disciplinary measures as set out in Article 15 herein.
Statement of Intent
Students and CIC staff are encouraged to embrace the key character attributes of respect, honesty, integrity, responsibility, peaceful and positive conflict resolution, inclusiveness, fairness, caring, optimism, self-confidence and self-advocacy and perseverance. As a private school composed of many international students, students are required to show respect for all cultures, differences and the rights of others. In addition to the policies set out herein, students must follow all rules of conduct as outlined in the Residence Life Handbook.
1. English Speaking Policy
Students are encouraged to speak English in the presence of their colleagues, teachers, and CIC staff throughout the academic campus and residences. English is the primary language for all classes with the exception of French and Mandarin classes.
2. Bullying, Harassment and Violence Policy
Statement of Intent
CIC is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination, bullying, harassment and violence and bullying, in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, are able to contribute and share in opportunities. CIC’s students should be sensitive to the differences of others. CIC adheres to the conviction that education and dialogue are necessary to eliminate an environment where these forms of misconduct are evident.
CIC has zero tolerance to all forms of bullying, harassment and violence at any time, regardless of the location, manner or medium used to perpetuate this form of misconduct. This includes all forms of social media.
For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:
“Harassment” is engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct in any and all forms of communication that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Harassment includes but is not limited to intimidation; unwelcome contact or comments; offensive gestures, and jokes or hostile comments related to a person’s immutable characteristics.
“Bullying” is the use of force or coercion to negatively affect others; involving an imbalance of social, physical and/or emotional power; and involving willful acts of harm. Bullying may be directed at a target based on actual or perceived conduct. Bullying includes but is not limited to the following conduct:
name-calling; insults; making racist, sexist, or homophobic jokes, remarks, or teasing; using sexually suggestive or abusive language; threats of violence; and offensive remarks;
hitting, kicking, pinching, punching, scratching, spitting, other physical aggression, and damage to or taking someone else’s belongings;
spreading untrue stories about someone, not including them in social group being made the subject of malicious rumors; and
any comments, text messages, pictures, video clips or otherwise delivered by electronic mail, social media; websites, cell phones or any other electronic means.
“Violence” is the intentional or negligent use of physical force against a student, a member of CIC staff, or a member of the community that causes or has the potential to cause physical injury:
Common assault, aggravated assault, assault causing bodily harm, assault with a weapon or replica and sexual assault under the Criminal Code of Canada;
An attempt to exercise physical force against a student or a member of CIC staff that has the potential to cause physical injury;
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student found in breach of these provisions may be directed to the Principal or Designate for the appropriate consequence, which may include disciplinary measures set out in Article 15 herein.
Statement of Intent
CIC’s uniform and dress code requirements promote standards of decency, decorum and good citizenship. Our uniform reflects our identity as a prestigious. It also serves the purpose of increasing school safety, minimizing disruptions, easily identifying trespassers on CIC premises, and promoting improvement in student behaviour.
1. Policy
Students must be dressed in appropriate uniform and must meet the uniform standards expectations. Any unclaimed items at the end of the semester will be disposed of.
The final determination as to whether any item of a student’s uniform is acceptable remains at the sole discretion of the Principal or Vice Principal or his or her designate.
All staff will be responsible for ensuring students are in compliance with our uniform standard. All CIC staff will address uniform infractions. CIC reserves the right to refuse access or services to any student that is not in uniform compliance with our Uniform and Dress Code Policy.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students are expected to get into uniform in order to attend classes.
Repeated non-compliance of the uniform standard may result in progressive discipline.
If needed, uniform items are available in our campus store for a loaner fee.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, face masks are required by all students and all members of the CIC community. Medical face and cloth face masks are permitted at this time. Cloth, commercial face masks must reflect a positive moral tone.
Uniform Item | Expected Standard |
Oxford Shirt |
Pants |
Socks |
Blazer |
Tie |
Vest |
Students must be in full uniform while in the hallways, entering the building, and when travelling between buildings. Students are able to remove their blazer or vest and roll up their sleeves in the classroom or dining spaces when needed in hot weather.
Hairstyle | Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. In addition, shaving patterns are not permitted. |
Hair Colour | Hair must be a single, natural hair colour. |
Hair Length | Hair must be neatly groomed and not covering eyebrows. |
Extensions & Accessories | Hair extensions/braids must be a natural hair colour. |
Piercing | No body piercing jewelry is permitted except for religious reasons, which requires the written permission from the Principal or Vice Principal. |
Tattoos | Tattoos must be covered and may not be visible. |
Jewelry | No spacers are permitted. No excessive jewelry, as deemed in the sole discretion of the Principal or Vice Principal. Any such offending jewelry may be confiscated by staff and kept secure until graduation. |
Face Masks | During the COVID-19 Pandemic, face masks are required by all students and all members of the CIC community. Medical face and cloth face masks are permitted at this time. Cloth, commercial face masks must reflect a positive moral tone. |
Photo I.D. Card | Must be on your person at all times. |
What to wear |
Lower Body | Only CIC uniform gym shorts and/or track pants are permitted. |
Upper Body | Only CIC uniform gym shirts (grey phys. ed t-shirt or blue phys. ed crew neck)
are permitted. |
Footwear | Any athletic shoe excluding soccer cleats, golf shoes, etc. are permitted. They must be clean non marking soles (to protect our floor). |
Head Gear/Jewelry | All long hair must be tied back. No baseball hats indoors. Baseball hats are permitted outside on hot sunny days. No other headgear permitted. No jewelry is permitted (for safety). |
All CIC staff are responsible for enforcing the uniform policy and may administer the uniform policy in the following manner.
2. Policy
On approved Charity Casual days, students may wear non-uniform, daytime attire (e.g., jeans, sneakers, dresses, shorts, etc.). Students must ensure that their appearance on casual days remains neat and appropriate to the standards enumerated below. Students must always have their student ID on their person at all times on CIC property.
The following dress code guidelines must be followed on Charity Casual days:
What to wear |
What not to wear |
Head Gear / Jewelry |
Belts |
Lower body |
Upper body |
Footwear |
Photo I.D. Card |
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students who are discovered in inappropriate attire in the school may be directed to the Principal or Designate for the appropriate consequences, which may include progressive discipline set out in Article 15 herein.
In Residence
3. Policy
Students are expected to dress appropriately while in residence common areas. Appropriate clothing must be worn in common areas including cafeterias, student lounges and recreation areas. The determination as to whether an article of attire or outfit is acceptable remains in the sole discretion of the Residence staff.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, face masks are required by all students and all members of the CIC community. Medical face and cloth face masks are permitted at this time. Cloth, commercial face masks must reflect a positive moral tone.
Face Masks are not a requirement in the student’s residence room.
The COVID-19 pandemic is fluid and the face mask policy is subject to change.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students who are discovered in inappropriate attire in the residence common areas may be directed to the Residence Director or Designate for the appropriate consequence, which may include progressive discipline set out in Article 15 herein.
Technology is integral to CIC’s teaching/learning and business operations.
CIC is committed to providing a safe, accessible, secure and reliable information technology environment for the purposes of teaching, learning and administration. In return, CIC expects our students to act appropriately and with integrity while using technology.
In order to ensure the safety of all of our students, it is important to note that all materials downloaded, stored or viewed through CIC’s electronic servers and technology shall be subject to review. There is no expectation of privacy.
Student Guidelines:
The following regulations apply to all CIC technology, including the use of Wi-Fi, sharing information including using third party websites/ apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, etc.
- Cyberbullying will not be tolerated, including the sharing of messages/posts that are bullying and personal DMs.
- You cannot use CIC technology to create, distribute or share pornography.
- You cannot use CIC technology to promote hate.
- You cannot use CIC technology to break the law, including, but not limited to:
- copyright infringement (downloading/sharing illegal versions of movies, TV shows, books, software, etc.)
- fraud (including impersonating someone else, using someone’s credit card or bank account)
- hacking networks/computers
- forgery (creating documents that pretend you are someone else)
- You cannot use CIC technology to run a business of any kind.
- You cannot use CIC technology to engage in political lobbying.
- You cannot tamper with CIC computer systems.
- You cannot use CIC technology to gamble.
- Personal routers, or wireless repeaters are not permitted on any CIC property, as they interfere with corporate CIC Wi-Fi networks.
- Routers or wireless repeaters found will be confiscated immediately and secured until graduation.
- Intentionally duplicating, storing, installing, or transmitting any digital material that contravenes the Copyright Act.
- Performing activities intended to circumvent security or access controls of any organization, including the possession or use of hardware or software tools intended to defeat software copy protection, discover passwords, identify security vulnerabilities, decrypt encrypted files, or compromise information security by any other means
- Forging any document or message; obscuring the origin of any message, transmission, or file.
- Using programs that harass users, prevent access, investigate, intercept, examine, or infiltrate CIC computer systems, information, or software components.
- Wasting resources such as Internet bandwidth and printing capacity or using resources for non-educational purposes.
- Conducting commercial activities or political lobbying without permission.
- All software used on CIC computer resources must be procured in accordance with CIC policies, must be licensed and registered in the name of the Columbia International College. Software copyright laws must be respected. Obtaining, installing, replicating or using software except as permitted by the software licensing agreements is prohibited.
Online Safety
- CIC uses an internet filter to restrict access to inappropriate websites/apps.
- Each semester, CIC teaches students about fraud and scams. Please refer to this information and remember not to share personal information, including name, address, telephone number, photos, banking information etc. to untrusted parties on the internet.
- For your safety, students are not permitted to meet in person anyone they have met only online
- You may not upload photos of other CIC students, faculty, or staff without their permission
- You may not use another person’s online account to access information
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students acting in contravention of this policy may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
Violations of Policy
Violations of this policy may be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and may also be subject to criminal investigations and/or criminal charges.
CIC makes no guarantee about the quality of services provided and is not responsible for any claims, losses, damages, costs, or other obligations arising from the use of its network.
Social Media and Acceptable Use Policy
Statement of Intent
CIC encourages its students to use social networking/media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Skype, WeChat, QQ, etc.) responsibly as a way to connect with others and share resources. CIC students are permitted to engage in social media provided that such engagement does not breach the provisions set out herein; the fundamental principles of respect community and leadership.
2. Policy
While social networking can be beneficial, it presents a number of risks related to improper information disclosure and inappropriate application. Students must observe the following guidelines:
Students should assume that all social networking activities are publicly viewable and understand that any material that is released for public dissemination is subject to CIC review;
Students are required to comply with all federal and provincial laws at all times. Any contravention of these laws or the proliferation of pornographic, obscene or abusive materials, or hate literature is prohibited and is punishable by the appropriate authorities;
Material shared privately using such services, if brought to the attention of CIC staff, will be subject to all terms, conditions, and policies as outlined herein;
Students shall comply with all copyright laws and software license policies. Any software which is illegal or unauthorized must not be installed on CIC servers or computers;
- Account information and passwords must be kept confidential;
- Students shall not misappropriate any account belonging to any other person;
- Online bullying and harassing behaviour is strictly prohibited.
- Students should refrain from publishing personal identifying information online such as their birth date, address, telephone number, email address, personal identification numbers, banking and financial information, etc.;
- Students are encouraged to refrain from releasing details regarding their personal schedules and locations;
- Students must respect the privacy of other members of the CIC community;
- Students shall not upload any images of any other persons, in particular other students, CIC faculty, or CIC staff, without their expressed consent; and
- Students shall not upload and/or trade any images of any person in a state of undress.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students acting in contravention of this policy may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
Statement of Intent
CIC strives to provide its students with access to Classroom, Lab, Student Culinary Centre, Gymnasium and other facilities required for academic, extra-curricular, and student-life activities. Students acknowledge and agree that these facilities shall be utilized only with appropriate supervision from CIC faculty and CIC staff and students will not engage in any intentional, negligent, or reckless behavior that has the potential to expose themselves, their fellow classmates, staff or faculty to a heightened risk of danger or damage to the physical premises of CIC.
1. Policy
Any student or group that requires the use of classroom or other facilities for the purpose of organizing meetings on campus or otherwise must obtain prior permission and supervision of CIC staff.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students acting in contravention of this policy may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein. Further, students who have vandalized CIC property shall be subject to the assessment of an administrative fee in order to rectify the damage done to CIC facilities.
2. Policy
Non-residents are allowed in Residences during Visitor’s hours and must sign in and remain in the Visitor’s Lounge. Non-residents are not permitted to stay overnight in any CIC residence/homestay or take part in any meal-plan privileges.
For the purpose of this policy a current student from another CIC residence/homestay or off campus is considered a non-resident. A former CIC student is also considered a non-resident.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a no visitor policy may be in effect.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
CIC has zero tolerance for allowing non-residents into residences, as such students who enable non-residents to go beyond the visitors lounge will be subject to progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
3. Termination of Residence Stay
A student who voluntarily terminates their status as a student at CIC will be required to immediately vacate the residence/homestay building within three (3) days after such registration ceases or as soon as possible if the circumstances warrant immediate removal. Students must vacate residence/homestay within three (3) days (or as soon as possible if the circumstances warrant immediate removal) after the following disciplinary actions have been taken by CIC:
Eviction of a student from residence/homestay on the basis of an academic or conduct and in accordance with the disciplinary procedures under Article 15 herein;
The expulsion of a student from CIC in accordance with the disciplinary procedures under Article 15 herein.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Principal may work with the family to determine a safe departure plan that may exceed the three (3) days as per above.
Statement of Intent
CIC is committed to providing a safe and secure environment where students are able to take advantage of the CIC experience without fear of harm from others. CIC shall take affirmative measures to address unacceptable violent behaviour against its students, or CIC staff. CIC shall also act proactively to prevent potentially unsafe situations from developing on CIC premises. Negligent, reckless or intentional conduct that places any person at risk will not be tolerated.
1. Policy
“Acts of violence” will not be tolerated by CIC.
Acts of Violence
“Violence” refers to the following:
The intentional or negligent use of physical force against a student or a member of CIC staff that causes or has the potential to cause physical injury;
Common assault, aggravated assault, assault causing bodily harm, assault with a weapon or replica and sexual assault under the Criminal Code of Canada;
An attempt to exercise physical force against a student or a member of CIC staff that has the potential to cause physical injury;
A written or verbal statement or behaviour that a student or a member of CIC staff would reasonably interpret as a threat to the physical well-being of that person or any other person on campus or otherwise.
CIC students shall report any acts of violence or threat of violence immediately to a CIC staff member.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student in breach of this policy may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein. Acts deemed sufficiently serious in the sole discretion of the Principal or his or her designate, will be promptly reported to the police as required by the Ministry of Education. CIC will fully cooperate with any subsequent police investigation. Once a police investigation begins the CIC investigation will be paused.
2. Policy
Weapons or replicas of any form are strictly prohibited on CIC premises.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students found in possession of weapons or replicas will be immediately reported to the local police and also directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
1. Drug Policy
Statement of Intent
CIC is committed to maintaining a drug free environment.
1. Policy
Students will not use, possess, store, procure, traffic, or cultivate drugs or paraphernalia, or facilitate in any way the use, possession, procurement, cultivation, or provision of drugs or paraphernalia. CIC has zero-tolerance for the foregoing acts. Students reasonably suspected of being under the influence of legal or illegal substances will be deemed to have breached this policy.
This policy is in effect at all times including but not limited to such time:
On or at any CIC premises including homestay;
On transportation service, both public and private, that transports CIC students;
On any field trip arranged by CIC;
At any time while acting as a representative of CIC in any activity; or
At any time while they are a student at CIC.
This policy is equally applicable to legally available cannabis, mind changing gas canisters, any edibles or oils containing cannabis and legal or illegal street drugs and illegally obtained or administered prescription drugs.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student found engaging in drug-related activities shall be subject to an expulsion hearing as set out in Article 15 herein. Further, CIC may notify the local police, who shall be provided with any evidence of illegal drug activity. CIC will cooperate fully with any resulting police investigation. Once a police investigation begins the CIC investigation will be paused.
2. Policy
Students shall not at any time make any statement or representation of drug use, in the presence of other CIC students, on social media, or otherwise.
Consequences for Breach of this Policy
Any student acting in contravention of this policy may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, if required, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
3. Policy
Any student with knowledge of illegal drug-related activity (or legally obtained cannabis) must report the information to CIC staff.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students with knowledge but fail to report illegal drug use or legally obtained cannabis may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
2. Alcohol Policy
Statement of Intent
CIC is committed to maintaining an alcohol-free environment.
1. Policy
CIC has a zero-tolerance policy with respect to alcohol, regardless of the age of the student. Students are prohibited from buying, possessing, storing, being under the influence of, using, selling, or providing alcoholic drinks or fermented beverages to others. Any student who is under reasonable suspicion of being intoxicated, including but not limited to having consumed alcohol or fermented beverages shall further be deemed to have breached this policy. For clarity, CIC shall not be required to use any device to estimate alcohol content from a student’s breath sample such as a breathalyzer, to find a student in breach of this policy. In the event that two CIC staff validate that a student is under the influence of alcohol; this may lead to CICDC Hearing.
This policy is in effect at all times including but not limited to such time:
On or at any CIC premises including homestay;
On any bus, both public and private, that transports CIC students;
On any field trip arranged by CIC;
At any time while acting as a representative of CIC in any activity; or
At any time while they are a student at CIC.
Students are required to promptly remove themselves from the presence of others engaged in the use of alcohol and must also report any known contravention of the Alcohol Policy to any CIC staff.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students found to have breached this policy may be directed to the Principal or Designate for the appropriate consequence, which may include progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
3. Smoking Policy
Statement of Intent
CIC is committed to maintaining premises, which only permits the use of cigarettes, vapes, electronic cigarettes, tobacco and tobacco-related products by those students that meet the statutory age limit and do so, in designated smoking areas.
1. Policy
Tobacco, cigarette, electronic cigarette, and vapes are not permitted inside or outside the school building or residences except in designated smoking areas. Electronic charging for vaping is not permitted on CIC property including homestay.
Smoking is prohibited within 250 metre from any CIC building unless in a designated smoking area.
Students must not purchase or otherwise supply cigarettes to any person under the age of 19 or as prescribed by Ontario law.
Any student who is the age of 19 or over must store all tobacco, cigarette, electronic cigarette, vapes and vape products in their assigned mailbox in Residence.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student found to have breached this policy may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
Hamilton Public Health through the Smoke-Free Ontario Act may impose fines for breach of policy.
Statement of Intent
CIC is committed to providing students and staff with a safe environment; free of violence, drugs, or other substances. To this end, CIC conducts routine Health & Safety Inspections for a variety of reasons which require access to student residence rooms.
1. Policy
Students and parents/guardians acknowledge and agree that in such circumstances where CIC has reasonable or probable grounds to believe that a student is in violation of Article 15, designated CIC staff may access and inspect a student’s person, possessions, locker, storage area, mailbox and/or residence room and belongings. To ensure all students’ safety, inspections may be broadened beyond a specific room.
Evidence that establishes or is likely to establish that a breach of the policy has occurred includes any reasonable or probable indication that a student is in possession of, using, storing cultivating or distributing any substance captured under the Substance Abuse Policy and/or is in possession of, using, or distributing any weapons and replica weapons.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student failing to cooperate with or attempts to obstruct a reasonably conducted inspection may be directed to the Principal or Designate and may be subject to the progressive discipline set out in Article 15 herein. CIC reserves the right to notify and request the assistance of the local police in conducting any inspection under this policy.
CIC reserves the right to use the assistance of canine resources for safety inspections.
Statement of Intent
While CIC is committed to ensuring that students feel welcomed into the community and are able to grow with friends and family, CIC also recognizes that any visitors shall at no time deter, interfere or distract a student from his or her academic or personal development. Any student who uses the services of an individual (CIC student or otherwise) to impersonate themselves for the purposes of violating a CIC policy will be subjected to a CICDC Expulsion hearing.
1. Policy
All visitors to CIC premises must report to the CIC Security Office or designated residence front desk and provide a valid photo ID before proceeding through any area of the school or residence. CIC staff reserves the right to deny visitors access to CIC property.
Any parents/guardians wishing to meet with their child and his or her teachers or other CIC staff, are encouraged to notify the office in advance so that appointments may be scheduled at a time that is convenient for all. To arrange Residence tours, contact in advance.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic all CIC students, community members and visitors are expected to follow CIC’s front entrance policy which may limit or preclude entry to the premises.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students acting in contravention of this policy may be directed to the Principal or Designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
Statement of Intent
CIC is committed to providing meaningful experiences for students in the following areas: leadership, community service, athletics, and the arts. CIC believes that student leadership development and personal growth is fostered by student participation in clubs, athletics, leadership groups, community service events, special events and trips. These activities provide valuable experiential learning for students and strengthen character.
1. Policy
This Code of Conduct applies to students at all times, even when the student is not on CIC premises. At all times during participation in any activities and events including but not limited to CIC organized trips, clubs, athletics, community services, and special events, students are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct, fulfill his or her commitments, and conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful manner.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Any student found in breach of this provision shall be subject to the progressive discipline set out in Article 15 herein. Students agree to abide by all rules, regulations and codes of conduct for any particular extra-curricular activity and a breach of said rules and/or regulations, may be deemed a breach of this Code of Conduct.
Character: Your Key to Success
We value ourselves, others and our environment.
We treat people the way we want to be treated with courtesy and politeness.
We are truthful and sincere with ourselves and others.
We admit our mistakes.
We always try to do what is right even when no one else is around.
We are trustworthy and what we say matches what we do.
We can be trusted and follow through on all our commitments.
We are accountable for all we say and do.
Peaceful and Positive Conflict Resolution
We view conflict resolution as a positive experience.
We believe that conflicts can be resolved positively by working in unity for outcomes that are fair and for all.
We work to build a community where everyone feels included and where differences and diversity are honoured.
We treat each other as we wish to be treated ourselves.
We use and follow policies and procedures that apply equally to all.
We demonstrate concern for self and others.
We show kindness towards each other.
We think, speak and act positively.
We see challenges as opportunities.
We have hope for the future.
Self-Confidence and Self- Advocacy
We believe in ourselves.
We are committed to meeting our goals and seeking help from others when necessary.
We stick to our goals in spite of difficulties.
We are committed to finishing what we start to the best of our ability.
We are determined to work hard.
Statement of Intent
CIC affirms the right of every student who is present, ready, willing, and able, to actively participate and achieve success. CIC is committed to ensuring an accessible and accommodating environment that is dedicated to accounting for the needs of students with disabilities, provided that such accommodations do not prevent the student from completing the essential requirements of Ontario’s academic curriculum.
For the purpose of this policy, CIC shall use commercially reasonable efforts to use the Human Rights Code (Ontario) and its guidelines as a reference for meeting the needs of students. The Human Rights Code (Ontario) has referenced the following terms:
Disability means:
- any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impairment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device;
- a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability;
- a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language; or
- a mental disorder.
Undue Hardship
In the event that a student’s disability is deemed an undue hardship (based on objective, real, direct, and quantifiable evidence by CIC in its sole discretion), CIC may terminate a student’s status. Notice of a student’s termination of status will be delivered to the student’s parents/guardians. Any termination of a student’s status will not be effectuated until the forthcoming semester. Until such time that the student’s termination of status is effectuated, CIC reserves the right to place the student on Temporary Academic Leave, if the circumstances of the student’s condition would threaten the safety of the student, other students, or CIC staff.
Undue hardship means the inability of CIC to provide services to a student, as a result of cost or health and safety concerns posed by the student’s disability.
1. Policy
CIC requires that each student is present, ready, willing and able to learn inclusively with students, CIC staff and the community. CIC strives to ensure that students with disabilities are not excluded from admission to CIC. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CIC reserves the right to discontinue any academic or residential services or otherwise, to any student that has misrepresented or failed to disclose the existence of any condition or disability at the time of admission or prior to the commencement of any academic or residential services. Among CIC’s primary objectives is to protect the welfare of all of its students and as such, requires the disclosure of any existing condition or disability so that any prospective student is cared for adequately, without jeopardizing the safety of staff or students.
Individualized Academic and/or Medical Plan
CIC students that are assessed with a disability, condition or mental health issue, may apply to CIC’s Principal or designate for an Academic Accommodation Plan and/or Medical Accommodation Plan in consultation with the team. CIC shall use its reasonable efforts to accommodate any eligible student up to the point of undue hardship, which may be determined by CIC in its sole discretion.
Students granted an accommodation will be required to strictly adhere to the procedures determined under any Academic and/or Medical Plan. Students who fail to comply with the plan in any manner or demonstrate that he or she is not present, ready, willing, and able to learn, may be directed to the Principal or designate and may be subject to the use of progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
Students seeking accommodation are under a duty to provide recent and relevant medical, psychological or educational documentation that substantiates both the existence of the disability and the need for accommodation. The privacy and confidentiality of information concerning any student seeking academic accommodation will be protected and respected by CIC, excluding any communications and notifications made to the student’s parents/guardians.
Temporary Academic Leave and Cessation of Services
Notwithstanding the foregoing, CIC is committed to protecting the health and welfare of its students, and CIC staff. In the event that CIC determines that a student is a threat to himself/herself or others, CIC reserves the right to place the student on a temporary academic leave, where the student will be assessed by medical and wellness staff to determine whether he or she is able to continue at CIC without posing a threat to himself/herself or others. The parents/guardians of any CIC student placed on Temporary Academic Leave shall be notified of the circumstances.
If CIC determines that the student continues to pose a significant threat to himself/herself or any other members of CIC that cannot be controlled or accommodated without undue hardship to CIC, the Principal or designate reserves the right to cease any and all obligations to the student, effective the date of the issuance of the Temporary Academic Leave.
Unless the circumstances warrant immediate removal, a student shall have three (3) days to vacate any residence/homestay. The Principal will work with the student’s family to determine a safe departure date from residence.
Statement of Intent
CIC is dedicated to providing students a safe and caring environment which fosters teaching, learning and living a healthy lifestyle. CIC is committed to preserving the community it has established where the integrity and goodwill of CIC is never compromised by one student’s actions.
1. Policy
Students should not engage in any conduct that is injurious to the moral tone, ethics and goodwill of CIC, as determined by CIC in its sole discretion. Conduct that would compromise the moral tone or injure CIC’s reputation in the community; where a student has been charged with an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. The foregoing policy shall be applicable regardless of whether such conduct (i) occurred prior to the student’s enrolment at CIC; or (ii) occurred off or on CIC premises.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students acting in contravention of this policy may be directed to the Principal or designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
2. Policy
Each student has an obligation to report to the Principal or designate any conduct by others which contravenes the moral tone of CIC.
Consequences for Breach of Policy
Students acting in contravention of this policy may be directed to the Principal or designate who shall determine the appropriate consequence, which may include the progressive discipline as set out in Article 15 herein.
1. Progressive Discipline System and Pathway
1. Policy
CIC is committed to enforcing the provisions of this Code of Conduct. As such, it has established a progressive disciplinary system to support positive behaviour and a safe school community.
As such, students who (in CIC’s sole discretion) have engaged in misconduct may be subject to the progressive disciplinary measures set out below, which may be amended from time to time.
CIC reserves the right to vary progressive discipline measures in such cases where the severity of the offence or repeat contraventions of the Code of Conduct warrants greater disciplinary measures. This is reflected in Appendix A herein.
Any contravention of the Code of Conduct may be presented to the Principal or Designate, to determine whether the misconduct warrants a suspension, investigation and/or expulsion. If the matter is deemed to be a violation not warranting a suspension or expulsion, the Principal or Designate, shall render an appropriate progressive disciplinary measure (or delegate the decision to the appropriate CIC staff) and document.
If the student fails to comply with the progressive discipline measures, the Principal or designate will review the matter and consider further progressive discipline.
Progressive Discipline: Through progressive discipline, Principals determine appropriate consequences and /or supports to help students improve their behaviour, while taking into account their individual circumstances. The goal is to help prevent inappropriate student behaviour from happening again.
At CIC, we consider entry and exit points along the progressive discipline continuum based on the nature of the violation contravening the Code of Conduct, repeated violations, while considering individual circumstances. See Appendix A.
Entry Points in Progressive Discipline can be due to behaviours such as but not limited to unsafe, disruptive, disrespectful, inappropriate behavior and failure to follow instructions and expectations. Student support and consequences will be determined by the Principal or designate based on individual student and situation.
Entry Points for the Columbia International College Disciplinary Committee (CICDC) Hearing can be due to more significant behaviours such as, but not limited to, threatening behaviour, alcohol, assault, repeated behaviours, theft, forgery or fraud, bullying and harassment, and vandalism.
Entry Points for the Columbia International College Disciplinary Committee (CICDC) Expulsion Hearing can be due to the most significant behaviours that cause harm to the student and the school community. Such behaviour includes but is not limited to: Drugs, Assault causing bodily harm, sexual assault, possession of firearm and replicas, robbery, vandalism and neglect of duty at school such as continuous absences or continued unmanageable behaviour.
It is the goal of progressive discipline to correct the inappropriate behaviour with dignity and respect. Once the behaviour is corrected with support and consequences; it is considered an exit point in progressive discipline for that particular violation by the student.
Police Involvement
CIC shall cooperate with any police investigation into any student misconduct. In the event that the Police are conducting an investigation, CIC will suspend its internal investigation until such time that the police matter is closed. In cases where a student has been charged with a crime by the police, CIC reserves the right to place the student on temporary academic leave until such time that the police investigation is concluded.
2. Suspension from School and/or Residence
CIC reserves the right to suspend academic, residential or any other service of any kind to any student for a period of up to twenty (20) days for any breach of this Code of Conduct. The determination of a suspension shall be made by the Principal taking into consideration the severity of the offence and the existence of any mitigating or aggravating factors.
Notices and Appeal of Suspension
The Principal or Designate shall provide prompt notice of a suspension in writing to the student and his or her parents/guardians. In addition, in a form separate from the notice of suspension, the Principal or Designate may also advise the student and his or her parents/guardians based on the severity of the offence or complexity of the issues, allegations, injuries etc., if an investigation into the misconduct of the student is required to address the matter.
The student and his or her parents/guardians by written request within five (5) school days of the notice of suspension may appeal the suspension to the Principal, to request that the Principal review the suspension and the appropriateness of the consequence. A successful appeal does not stay the suspension.
If the Principal or Designate indicates that the matter will undergo an investigation, the student shall not be permitted to appeal the suspension until the investigation has been completed. If the matter necessitates review by the CICDC, the student and his or her parents/guardians shall receive notice of an expulsion hearing and shall not be permitted to appeal the suspension to the Principal. If CICDC deems that the matter does not require an expulsion hearing, the student and his or her parents/guardians by written request within five (5) school days of being advised that the matter will not proceed to an expulsion hearing, may appeal the suspension to the Principal to review the appropriateness of the consequence.
The Principal in his or her sole discretion may reduce, affirm or withdraw the suspension. The student and his or her parents/guardians shall have no recourse for any action taken to reduce or withdraw a suspension.
3. Types of Discharge
Statement of Intent
CIC students must adhere to the highest standards of academic achievement and personal behaviour and accordingly, CIC has developed a rigorous academic program and strict behaviour policies to assist students in meeting these goals. CIC students must be committed to the principles of learning, safety inspection, leadership, dedication, and engaging CIC curriculum and personal development.
Attendance Discharge
CIC reserves the right to immediately discharge any student who fails to meet CIC’s attendance standards as set out below and in Article 3, which may be amended by CIC prior to the commencement of any semester. If applicable, CIC shall advise the appropriate government regulatory bodies including Canada Immigration, providing notice that the student has been discharged for breaching the attendance policy. Any student that is discharged due to attendance by CIC; shall no longer be deemed a student of CIC; removed from all courses that the student is enrolled in at CIC; immediately vacate any CIC residence/homestay; prohibited from entering onto CIC properties; and forfeit any tuition fees, residential fees or otherwise, paid to CIC. An attendance discharge shall be permanently documented in the student’s Ontario Student Record, which for clarity, is a permanent record that cannot be amended
Academic Discharge
CIC reserves the right to immediately discharge any student who fails to meet CIC’s academic standards as set out below and in Article 2 and Article 3, which may be amended by CIC prior to the commencement of any semester. If applicable, CIC shall advise the appropriate government regulatory bodies including Canada Immigration, providing notice that the student has been discharged on academic grounds. Any student that is academically discharged by CIC; shall no longer be deemed a student of CIC; removed from all courses that the student is enrolled in at CIC; immediately vacate any CIC residence/homestay; prohibited from entering onto CIC properties; and forfeit any tuition fees, residential fees or otherwise, paid to CIC. An academic discharge shall be permanently documented in the student’s Ontario Student Record, which for clarity, is a permanent record that cannot be amended.
Conduct Discharge
CIC reserves the right to immediately discharge any student whose conduct or behaviour is in contravention of this Code of Conduct. CIC students are expected to be upstanding citizens, tolerant, understanding, and respectful of other persons and property. Students hereby acknowledge and agree that CIC has the sole discretion to cease any and all services, if a student’s conduct is determined to have breached any of these fundamental principles or any other enumerated provision under this Code of Conduct. Any student that is discharged by CIC on account of his or her conduct shall no longer be deemed a student of CIC; expelled from all courses that the student is enrolled in at CIC; prohibited from entering any CIC premises; must immediately vacate any CIC residence/homestay; and forfeit any tuition fees, residential fees or otherwise, paid to CIC. A conduct discharge shall be permanently documented on the student’s Ontario Student Record.
What is an Expulsion?
CIC may expel a student for any breach of any policy contained herein, as well as for any serious misconduct in the sole discretion of CIC, regardless of a student’s intent. An expulsion irreparably severs the arrangement between CIC and the student and permits CIC to cease all services and obligations owing to a student without any recourse to the student for taking such action.
CIC may expel a student for failing to fulfill the academic or behavioural and/or conduct standards expected of a CIC student (“misconduct”). In addition, a student may be expelled for conduct harming other students, CIC staff and any other person, regardless of his or her relationship to CIC. Any misconduct must not necessarily occur on CIC premises or at a CIC organized event. In any investigation of a student’s conduct, CIC may use and consider corroborating evidence such as the testimony of witnesses, aggravating factors including the extent of damage committed to a person or property or mitigating factors arising under the circumstances, as determined by CIC, in its sole discretion.
4. Investigation
Students and parents/guardians hereby acknowledge and agree that the decision to initiate and the final outcome of any investigation into an act of misconduct shall be made by CIC, in its sole discretion.
CIC shall commence an investigation into any alleged misconduct upon receipt of any information, regardless of the form or manner in which it is presented to CIC. CIC shall investigate all serious acts of misconduct, even in such instances where a witness is not available to provide particulars related to the incident or if the information is provided from a third party, either related or unrelated to the incident. In its sole discretion CIC may determine whether an incident is serious in nature, which may justify or warrant certain remedial or disciplinary measures including suspension or expulsion hearing.
CIC’s Principal or Designate, shall be responsible for coordinating any disciplinary proceeding and authorizing a security investigation as needed.
The Principal or Designate, shall in a timely and reasonable manner, given the circumstances of the alleged misconduct, communicate to the student and his or her parents/guardians that there will be an investigation.
CIC may in its sole discretion withhold any identifying particulars in its notice of investigation to the student and his or her parents/guardians.
Academic Leave
Students and parents/guardians hereby acknowledge and agree that in order to ensure (i) student safety; (ii) the administration and operation of CIC continues in a safe manner; or (iii) where CIC students are not distracted by the alleged misconduct of others, it may be necessary for CIC to temporarily cease any services or obligations to a student during a disciplinary proceeding or investigation into a student’s alleged misconduct. A student and his or her parents/guardians shall be advised of any decision to place a student on Academic Leave in a timely manner.
Students and parents/guardians and CIC acknowledge that no culpability shall be attributed to the student by requiring him or her to take an Academic Leave.
Further, to ensure that any investigation into student misconduct is conducted without prejudice, CIC may temporarily remove a student from classes, residence/homestay and/or it may suspend all other obligations owing to the student. In some instances, under an Academic Leave, the student may be removed from his or her designated residence/homestay and required to reside at another residence, at the sole discretion of CIC, under increased supervision and restricted privileges.
Role of an Investigator
For offences where a student faces suspension or expulsion, the Investigator may investigate any incident of alleged misconduct by using all necessary means, which would bring a reasonable person to conclude whether an act of misconduct has occurred or not. The Investigator has the authority to use means, which include but are not limited to: interviewing the alleged wrongdoer; interviewing witnesses; seizing copies of all relevant documentation; and meeting with CIC staff.
5. Expulsion Hearings
Notice and Timing of the Hearing
The school shall provide a minimum of 72 hours advance notice, where possible, of the date and time of the expulsion hearing to the student and his or her parents/guardian. CIC shall take all reasonable efforts to have an expulsion hearing no later than fifteen (15) school days following the date of the alleged incident.
If the circumstances exist where it is not practical to sit and hear the matter within fifteen (15) school days of a suspension, the CICDC may provide notice to the student and his or her parents/guardians to delay the expulsion hearing to a later date, provided that such date is reasonable and fair to the student.
The Expulsion Hearing
All expulsion hearings shall be heard and determined by the CICDC. The CICDC shall be composed of no less than three (3) members of CIC, who have not disclosed a conflict in adjudicating the matter. Unless otherwise advised, the expulsion hearing shall be heard by the Principal, Vice Principal and the Residence Director or designate. The Principal or Designate shall preside as chair over all proceedings of the CICDC.
A CICDC member is required to disclose, prior to the commencement of any expulsion hearing, any conflicts or bias, which may affect his or her impartiality. In the event that any sitting member of the CICDC declares a conflict or bias, such member may be excused from the proceeding or disqualified from rendering a decision. If the conflict of a member of the CICDC results in there being less than three (3) adjudicators for a particular expulsion hearing, the Principal may temporarily appoint as many alternate members necessary to return the CICDC to the requisite number of members.
A student and/or parents/guardians must declare any perceived conflict or bias of any member of the CICDC, which may affect a decision from the hearing, prior to the commencement of the expulsion hearing. In such an instance, the student and/or parents/guardians shall submit the reasons for the member to be excused from the proceeding or disqualified from rendering a decision. The Principal, in his or her sole discretion, shall render a decision on the merits of such claim (including claims of a conflict or bias of the Principal) and shall appoint an alternate member to the CICDC for the purposes of that expulsion hearing, if the member is deemed to be acting in conflict or bias, the Vice Principal shall assume the duties and act as chair of the CICDC for the duration of the expulsion hearing.
The CICDC shall not preside over a hearing for more than one student at a time. Expulsion hearings are not open to the public and are limited to the CICDC, the Investigator, the student and his or her parents/guardians, any representative to assist them in the process, and or relevant CIC staff. Students and parents/guardians are not permitted to be accompanied by legal counsel during any CIC expulsion hearing.
No student cell phones or recording device is permitted at the hearing. The official CICDC recording for fairness and the accuracy of minutes will be the school’s digital recorder.
Role of the Investigator
The Investigator shall present evidence gathered from the investigation into the student’s misconduct and any other relevant information to the CICDC. The Investigator may commence the proceeding with opening statements. The Investigator may present the investigation report, make oral or written submissions, show camera footage, and/or respond to arguments made by the student and/or his or her parents/guardians.
A written statement from the student and/or his or her parents/guardians to the allegations of misconduct may be submitted to the CICDC at least one (1) day prior to the commencement of the expulsion hearing. During the expulsion hearing the student and/or his parents/guardians may follow the Investigator’s opening statements, with a brief statement. Thereafter, at the sole discretion of the chair of the CICDC, the student and/or parents/guardians may make oral or written submissions at the expulsion hearing, offer evidence supporting the existence of mitigating factors; and/or respond to arguments made by the Investigator. The student and/or parents/guardians or representative may conclude with a brief, closing statement following the closing statement of the Investigator. The student’s Admission/Liaison officer may attend the expulsion hearing to assist the student or his or her parents/guardians with asserting any arguments but may not interrupt the hearing at any time.
The Decision
The CICDC must take into account all of the arguments of the parties and the submissions of the parties. In reaching a conclusion in this regard, the CICDC may also take into consideration the student's disciplinary history; the severity of the offence and whether a progressive disciplinary approach would have been prudent given the misconduct. The CICDC’s written decision shall be delivered, along with any reasons for the decision, to the student and his or her parents/guardians within one (1) week of the CICDC coming to a decision. The reasons for the decision will not be released to the public, CIC students, CIC staff, unless required by law.
The members of the CICDC must reach a unanimous decision in order to expel a student.
Any expulsions may be appealed to the Appeals Committee.
6. Appeals To An Expulsion
If a student or student’s parents/guardians are appealing the CICDC’s decision, the decision is directed to the Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee may be composed of two managers of CIC, who are not members of the CICDC, appointed by CIC in its sole discretion, as well as the Executive Director or his or her designate. The Executive Director or his or her designate shall act as chair of the Appeals Committee. The CICDC’s decision may be appealed on the following grounds only
- the CICDC misapplied or misinterpreted a provision of the Code of Conduct or CIC procedure, rule or regulation;
- mistake of fact related to the commission or omission of the misconduct;
- there is new evidence in favour of the student;
- the CICDC’s decision to expel the student did not take into account mitigating factors or the student’s disciplinary history.
In order to commence an appeal, a letter from a student’s parents/guardians or adult student must be delivered to the Executive Director within ten (10) school days following their receipt of the CICDC’s decision. The letter requesting an appeal must include a reason for the appeal, citing one of the enumerated grounds set out above, as well as an explanation detailing the reasons the CICDC erred in arriving at its decision. The letter requesting an appeal should also attach a copy of the CICDC’s written decision.
Upon receipt of a letter requesting an appeal of an CICDC expulsion, the Executive Director, or his or her designate, of CIC shall convene the Appeals Committee within ten (10) days following receipt of the letter. An expelled student shall be excluded from all CIC classes, curriculum, activities, events or premises, while the matter is under appeal.
The Appeals Committee may review the letter of appeal and order a new hearing, to be presided over by the Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee is under no obligation to order a new hearing. The Appeals Committee shall have in its sole discretion the authority to determine the hearing process for an appeal, which includes the parties that shall be afforded the opportunity to make oral arguments; call witnesses; or submit evidence.
pon conclusion of the appeals process, as deemed by the Appeals Committee in its sole discretion, the Appeals Committee may only confirm or vacate the expulsion.
A student shall have no recourse for any decision of the Appeals Committee to vacate or confirm a decision of the CICDC.
The decision of the Appeal Committee is final. The decision will be delivered to the student and his or her parents/guardians in writing, with a detailed explanation for the decision.
7. Right to Cure
An expelled student may seek reinstatement from any final decision of the CICDC and/or Appeals Committee to expel, by making a formal request in writing to the Executive Director of CIC, in the form prescribed by CIC.
Upon receipt of an expelled student’s request for reinstatement, the Executive Director or his or her designate, may review the application and consider the student for reinstatement. In making a determination on the reinstatement of the expelled student, the Executive Director may meet with the student and his or her parents/guardians but is under no obligation to accommodate or afford the expelled student an opportunity to be heard.
In making a determination on whether to reinstate the student, the Executive Director may also seek counsel from the Principal, Vice Principal or any other CIC staff.
The Executive Director or his or her designate, in his sole discretion, may determine that the student may be entitled to a reinstatement. Any such reinstatement would include a list of conditions that the student is required to uphold. Such conditions may include submitting to counseling, mandatory drug testing, anger management counselling, strict curfew requirements or any other relevant course of action determined at the sole discretion of the Executive Director or his or her designate. The student and his or her parents/guardians must acknowledge and agree to the conditional reinstatement and that any breach of same will result in an automatic expulsion from CIC with no opportunity or grounds to appeal.
Other Consequences
If the CICDC’s decision is to expel or uphold a suspension, a record of the disciplinary measure(s) taken will be included in the student's Ontario Student Record ("OSR"). If a student is willing and able to work into good standing, CIC at its sole discretion may consider amending the OSR to reflect the positive changes in the student.
At all times a student may only return to CIC from an expulsion, conditional expulsion or suspension provided that the student can satisfy to the CICDC that he or she:
- has respect for himself/herself, other students, CIC staff, CIC property and the community;
- understands and can accepts the consequences of his or her actions;
- has the ability to attend or reside at CIC without compromising the safety of himself/herself or other students; and
- can demonstrate that he or she is capable of adhering to the provisions of this Code of Conduct.
Progressive Support and Consequences
At CIC, we have a progressive discipline policy. Depending on the nature of the violation of the CIC Code of Conduct, the resulting Support and Consequences for the students will be determined by considering the individual circumstances and the overall safety and welfare of the CIC community.
Depending on the nature of the violation of the CIC Code of Conduct, the Support and Consequences under our Progressive Discipline Policy will be determined taking the following into consideration:
- the students' stage of growth and development
- the nature and severity of the behaviour
- the impact of the behaviour on the school climate
The goal of our Progressive Discipline Policy is to help prevent inappropriate student behaviour from happening again.
Progressive Support and Consequences
Individualized Supports |
Columbia International College Disciplinary Committee (CICDC) Discipline Hearing |
CICDC Expulsion Hearing |
Behaviours such as, but not limited to:
Defiance towards Authority |
More significant behaviours that cause harm to the student and others such behaviour includes but is not limited to:
The most significant behaviours that cause harm to the student, others and the school community, such behaviour includes but is not limited to:
Each violation will be recorded in the student’s record and any subsequent violation thereafter requires the Principal or Vice Principal to support and consider progressive discipline applied up to, which shall then be followed by suspension and expulsion, where necessary, as determined under the circumstances by the Principal or Designate.
Definition of Terms
For the purposes of this document, the below terms are defined as follows:
Academic Discharge shall have the meaning as set out in Article 15;
Academic Dishonesty shall have the meaning as set out in Article 2;
Academic Office shall mean the CIC office responsible for all academic affairs;
Academic Probation shall have the meaning set out in Article 2;
ACTS shall have as set out in policy 1.01 of Article 15;
Age of Majority means the age in the Province of Ontario at which a person is considered to be an adult;
Alcohol shall include but not be limited to any beverage of any kind that contains alcohol, ethanol or any other mind-altering substance, as the active agent or represented as having those properties;
Authorized Absence shall have the meaning set out in policy 2.01 of Article 3;
Behaviour Contract means the behaviour contract between the student and CIC, whereby the student agrees to be bound by certain terms as prescribed by CIC;
Bullying shall have the meaning as set out in policy 2.01 of Article 4;
CIC means Columbia Private Secondary School Inc., and its registered business style “Columbia International College”;
CICDC means the Columbia International College Disciplinary Committee, which is a disciplinary panel comprised of three (3) members that is responsible to hear and render a decision where any student’s conduct or contravention of this Code of Conduct or otherwise is subject to an Expulsion, as that term is set out in Article 15;
Cigarettes means any object containing tobacco leaves used for the purposes of smoking or otherwise and shall include for the purposes of this definition but not limited to non-tobacco, no smoke or electronic cigarettes, vapour cigarettes, cigars; or any substance that a student believes or represents to having tobacco properties, regardless of its content;
Code of Conduct means the Code of Conduct for students of CIC as prescribed herein;
Dean of Students means an individual designated by CIC to oversee student affairs;
Drugs shall include for the purposes of this definition but not be limited to any substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or introduced into the body or otherwise; any substance a student believes or represents shall have similar physiological effects but does not contain such properties; any legal substance that has not been medically prescribed by a physician; or any legal substance that has been medically prescribed by a physician but not consumed in the manner set out by said physician;
Exam means any exam prescribed by CIC faculty during a course but not a final exam;
Expulsion shall have the meaning set out in Article 15 herein;
Expulsion Hearing shall have the meaning as set out in Article 15 herein;
EzReport Card means an electronic report card produced by CIC faculty, accessible to students and parents/guardians;
Final Exam means a test prescribed by CIC faculty, often composing a greater proportion of a student’s final grade and often written contemporaneous with the conclusion of a course in a semester;
Home Stay Parents shall host CIC students in their private homes approved by CIC management. Home-stay parents may include community members and CIC staff, however all staff must have approval from the General Manager and Principal prior to being approved as a home-stay parent;
House Parent shall mean an individual designated by CIC to supervise a specific group of students in residence;
JMS Guidance means the classroom at the commencement of each school day, designated by CIC to each CIC student in grade 7 and 8;
Medical Staff means the employees of CIC designated to managing student healthcare issues and ailments;
Minor means a person that is not the age of majority and shall also include any individual not permitted by statutory law to engage in a particular activity such as consuming or possessing alcohol or cigarettes;
Ontario Student Record means the permanent record of the student’s education process through schools in Ontario, which is maintained by CIC on behalf of the Ministry of Education for the Province of Ontario;
Paraphernalia shall include but not be limited to any apparatus, equipment, product or material that is used or furnished for making, using, or concealing drugs;
Plagiarism shall have the meaning set out in policy 3.01 of Article 2;
Present, Ready, Willing and Able means the prerequisite standard of preparedness and readiness for all CIC students enrolled at CIC based several factors, which include but are not limited to a student’s physical; emotional; intellectual; mental and/or psychological state, as determined by CIC in its sole discretion, which requires a CIC student to attend classes, activities and fulfill all of his or her obligations as a student, failing which, CIC in its sole discretion, shall cease any and all services to such student and/or terminate any contractual relationship with the student and his or her parents/guardians, with no further obligation owing whatsoever;
Principal means the individual designated by CIC to manage all academic matters including but not limited to curriculum, student behaviour and student performance;
Progressive Discipline: Through progressive discipline, Principals determine appropriate consequences and /or supports to help students improve their behaviour, while taking into account their individual circumstances. The goal is to help prevent inappropriate student behaviour from happening again;
Reasonable Grounds means a standard of proof, in the sole discretion of CIC faculty or CIC staff, where an inference may be derived that a student, visitor or otherwise, has violated any statutory law, common law, provision of this Code of Conduct; or threatens the well-being of a CIC student, CIC faculty or CIC staff;
Residence means a building and/or premises used for the purposes of housing CIC students;
Residence Life Handbook means the codified rules and regulations governing student conduct and student obligations for students residing in a Residence/Homestay;
Staff means any individual employed in a non-academic position by Columbia Private Secondary School Inc., or any of its affiliates;
Semester means a period of time in an academic year;
Student means any individual admitted or enrolled at CIC;
Suspension shall have the meaning set out in Article 15 herein;
Termination of Student Status means such a time when a student is no longer deemed to have any enrolment, affiliation or connection to CIC for the purposes of academic studies or otherwise;
Total Care Plus means a program, which students may enter voluntarily or mandated by CIC, created and implemented by CIC for students who require extra support;
Test means any test prescribed by CIC faculty during a course but not a final exam;
Unauthorized Absence shall have the meaning as set out in policy 2.01 in Article 3;
Undue hardship means the inability of CIC to provide services to a student, as a result of cost or health and safety concerns posed by the student’s disability;
Uniform means the article or articles of clothing deemed to be the appropriate attire for CIC students, as determined by CIC in its sole discretion, from time to time (please refer to Article 5);
Unmanageable Behaviour describes unruly behavior that contrary to the moral tone of the school and does not improve measurably despite intervention;
Vice Principal means an individual designated by CIC to oversee day-to-day school operations and manage CIC students and their academics and conduct;
Visitors shall have the meaning set out in Article 11.